First Time DP
Here we collect videos of horny sluts who decided to DP for the first time. We know you can't wait to see how these chicks get all their holes filled.
Videos in First Time DP
R0us - 4!rt!ght T33n
19y0 R0us !s b@ck @g@!n t0 g3t r0ugh3d up. Th!s t!m3 w3 thr3w 5 guys @t h3r t0 t@k3 turns d3str0y!ng h3r @ss, pussy @nd thr0@t. Sh3’s @ l0t str0ng3r th@n h3r f!rst v!d30, but th3 p@!n@l @nd brut@l sl@pp!ng m@n@g3d t0 br3@k h3r.
Ry@n R3!d - L3@rn!ng H0w t0 R3!d
Ry@n R3!d s3duct!v3ly @ppr0@ch3s h3r pr0f3ss0r (M!ck Blu3) @ft3r cl@ss/l3ctur3 t0 cl@r!fy s0m3 n0t3s. Wh3n Pr0f c@n’t m@k3 h3@ds 0r t@!ls 0f h3r wr!tt3n g!bb3r!sh, h3 r3@l!z3s Ry@n’s g0t @ h0rny ult3r!0r m0t!v3: f!ll!ng h3rs3lf w!th h!s c0ck. Pr0f3ss0r 0bl!g3s @nd r3c3!v3s @ sl0ppy bl0wj0b r!ght @t h!s d3sk. Th3!r r@unchy, und3r-th3-d3sk @nt!cs unt!l @n0th3r stud3nt (H0llyw00d C@sh) dr0ps !n. H3 ch@ng3s tr@cks wh3n h3 sp0ts Ry@n R3!d’s h3@d @nd slurpy l!ps !n th3 pr0f3ss0r’s l@p! 4t Ry@n R3!d’s urg!ng (@nd @ft3r s@mpl!ng h!s c0ck), h3 j0!ns !n f0r @ r!g0r0us sp!tr0@st @nd th3n @ d0ubl3 p3n3tr@t!0n s3ss!0n!. Th3 guys run Ry@n R3!d’s w3t pussy thr0ugh @ w0rk0ut b3f0r3 @ b!g cum f!n!sh, @nd (h0p3fully) p0st-nut cl@r!f!c@t!0n 0n th3 l3ctur3s.
P@!sl3y P@!g3 - 1st DP
TH1S SC€N€ H4S B€€N N6M1N4T€D F6R B€ST D6UBL€-P€N€TR4T16N S€X SC€N€ 4T TH€ 2022 4VN 4W4RDS P3t!t3 V!3tn@m3s3 c03d P@!sl3y P@!g3 m@k3s h3r 1st Huss!3 P@ss @pp3@r@nc3 t0d@y @nd @s y0u c@n gu3ss by th3 t!tl3, th@t's n0t th3 0nly 1st th!s cut3 l!ttl3 sp!nn3r !s g0!ng t0 3nj0y t0d@y! 4ft3r w3 ch@t w!th th3 n3wb!3 f0r @ l!ttl3 b!t, !n st3ps 0ur v3ry 0wn 6l!v3r Flynn @nd J@x Sl@yh3r t0 g3t h3r @ll lub3d up b3c@us3 L0rd kn0ws sh3's g0nn@ n33d !t! Th3 guys t@k3 turns 3@t!ng h3r 0ut @s sh3 bl0ws th3 0th3r unt!l !t's t!m3 f0r th3 cust0m@ry ♫ R0w R0w R0w Y0ur B0@t ♫ du@l bl0wj0b th@t's r3qu!r3d by l@w n0w f0r BBG thr33s0m3s... G00gl3 !t! 4ft3r @ l!ttl3 f00t f3t!sh fun !t's t!m3 f0r 6l!v3r @nd J@x t0 d0ubl3-stuff P@!sl3y's cut3 l!ttl3 v@g f0r h3r 1st 3v3r d0ubl3 v@g!n@l p3n3tr@t!0n! 6f c0urs3, th!s !s f0ll0w3d up by h3r 1st 3v3r v@g!n@l/@n@l d0ubl3 p3n3tr@t!0n @nd !f th3 3xpr3ss!0ns 0n h3r f@c3 @r3n't 3n0ugh t0 l3t y0u kn0w sh3 R€4LLY l!k3s t@k!ng tw0 b!g d!cks @t th3 s@m3 t!m3, w3ll... m@yb3 th!s s!t3 !sn't f0r y0u W3 @ls0 g3t t0 s33 just h0w d@mn fl3x!bl3 P@!sl3y !s, 3v3n w!th @ BBC !n h3r @ss! 4s @lw@ys, w3 c@tch up w!th P@!sl3y !n th3 sh0w3r, but 1 th!nk sh3 w@s m0r3 c0nc3rn3d @b0ut h@v!ng J@x's c0ck !n h3r 0n3 l@st t!m3 !nst3@d 0f th3 !nt3rv!3w.