Footjob by Beautiful Chick
No matter how much you love footjob, it is also very important that the owner of those feet is beautiful. Although we do not take feet as a criterion, we only collect footjob videos made by incredibly beautiful girls here.
Videos in Footjob by Beautiful Chick
M3l!ss@ Str@tt0n - €nj0ys F00t W0rsh!pp!ng 4nd 4 H0t F@c!@l
Th3 stunn!ng g0th g!rlfr!3nd M3l!ss@ Str@tt0n sh0ws 0ff h3r b!g t!ts @nd r0und @ss, kn0w!ng full w3ll th@t !t w!ll m@k3 th3 lucky stud lust f0r h3r 3v3n m0r3 th@n h3 @lr3@dy !s. Th3 brun3tt3 b0mbsh3ll st3ps 0n th3 k!nky stud @nd @ll0ws h!m t0 t@k3 0ff h3r h!gh h33ls b3f0r3 pl3@s!ng h!m w!th @ sl0ppy bl0wj0b-h@ndj0b c0mb0. M3l!ss@ th3n cl!mbs 0n t0p 0f h!m @nd r!d3s h!s thr0bb!ng c0ck !n c0wg!rl @nd r3v3rs3 c0wg!rl. Wh@t f0ll0ws !s m0@n-!nduc!ng pussy l!ck!ng, fuck!ng !n d0ggystyl3, shr!mp!ng, @nd f00tj0b. S33!ng th3 t@tt003d l@dy !n h3r f!shn3t st0ck!ngs m@k3s !t !mp0ss!bl3 f0r th3 guy t0 !gn0r3 th3 h0tt!3’s f33t. Th3 pussy p0und!ng c0nt!nu3s m!ss!0n@ry unt!l h3 !s cl0s3 t0 cumm!ng. H3 qu!ckly pulls 0ut @nd sh00ts h!s l0@d 0n M3l!ss@’s f@c3.
€mm@ R0s!3, L0l@ F@3 - R@!nch3ck
4ft3r pr3p@r!ng f0r @ fun n!ght 0ut, €mm@ R0s!3 @nd L0l@ F@3 @r3 d3v@st@t3d t0 f!nd th@t !t’s r@!n!ng c@ts @nd d0gs 0uts!d3. D!s@pp0!ntm3nt !s wr!tt3n 0n b0th 0f th3!r pr3tty f@c3s @ft3r h@v!ng th3!r p3d!cur3s d0n3 just f0r th3 0cc@s!0n, but @ll th3y c@n d0 !s g3t c0zy 0n th3 c0uch. 4dm!r!ng 3@ch 0th3r’s fr3shly c0@t3d t03s, €mm@ @nd L0l@ t@k3 0ff th3!r qu!rky @nd pr3tty sh03s. Th3 du0 th0ught 0f @n0th3r w@y 0f 3nt3rt@!n!ng th3ms3lv3s wh!l3 th3!r b3@ut!ful f33t nuzzl3d @g@!nst 3@ch 0th3r. W!th t0ns 0f 0th3r h0bb!3s t0 d0, g3tt!ng th3!r t03s suck3d @nd w0rsh!pp3d !s th3 f!rst th!ng th@t p0ps !nt0 L0l@ F@3’s m!nd. €mm@ !s @ c0mpl3t3 str@ng3r t0 th@t, s0 h3r fr!3nd g!v3s h3r @ subtl3 d3m0nstr@t!0n. Shr!mp!ng 3@ch 0th3r’s t03s @nd h@v!ng b0th 0f th3!r f33t c0v3r3d !n sp!t g!v3s th3 tw0 l0v3ly l@d!3s @n un3xpl@!n@bl3 pl3@sur3. 1nv!t!ng th3 S3rb!@n st@ll!0n, M!l@n, t0 j0!n th3!r s3nsu@l !d3@ s3ts up @ h0rny m00d. 4s th3 tr!0 g3t c0mf0rt@bl3 w!th 3@ch 0th3r, h3 g03s str@!ght !nt0 @dm!r3 €mm@ @nd L0l@’s f33t. 4ft3r M!l@n’s c0ck !s fr33d fr0m h!s p@nts, th3 stunn!ng w0m@n g!v3s !t @ f00tj0b b3f0r3 0n3 0f th3 bl0nd3 b@b3s b3nds 0v3r t0 suck h!s t!p. Th3 gr0up g3ts n@k3d @nd r3sum3s w!th th3 f00tj0b @nd shr!mp!ng, th3 stud 3v3n g!v!ng th3!r sm@ll t!ts s0m3 @tt3nt!0n. 4ft3r th@t, €mm@ puts h3r 3nt!r3 f0cus 0n g!v!ng M!l@n @ h3@d wh!l3 th3 h0t stud l!cks L0l@’s tr!mm3d pussy. W!th b0th 0f th3 b3@ut!3s w@rm3d up, th3 g@l w!th r3d p3d!cur3 r!d3s h!s c0ck !n s!d3w@ys c0wg!rl b3f0r3 ch@ng!ng pl@c3s w!th th3 p!3rc3d b@b3. Sw!tch!ng t0 st@nd!ng, €mm@ h@s h3r t03s suck3d wh!l3 th3 b3@rd3d hunk t!r3l3ssly r@ms h!s b!g c0ck !ns!d3 h3r pussy. T@k!ng @ br3@k fr0m fuck!ng, th3 p!3rc3d l@dy g!v3s h3r fr!3nd @ r!mj0b wh!l3 M!l@n’s c0ck !s b3tw33n h3r f33t. Th3 thr33s0m3 c0nt!nu3s !n d0ggystyl3, sp00n!ng, m!ss!0n@ry, @nd c0wg!rl unt!l €mm@ @nd L0l@ g!v3 h!m @ f00tj0b, c0@t!ng th3!r f33t w!th j!zz.
6l!v!@ M@d!s0n - G!@nt3ss F33t
4 t@ll w0m@n h@s @ l0t 0f ch@rm. 6l!v!@ M@d!s0n st@nds s!x f33t, thr33 !nch3s, @nd !s @ l0v3ly l@dy w!th @ stunn!ng f!gur3. Th3 brun3tt3 b@b3 3nt3rs th3 h0us3 @nd gr33ts M!l@n, wh0 !s w@!t!ng f0r h3r. Th3 d@sh!ng stud w3lc0m3s h!s n3w r00mm@t3 w!th @ sm!l3 but th3n n0t!c3s th3 wh!t3 sn3@k3rs 0n th3 h0tt!3’s h@nd. Wh3n h3 cl@!ms th3m t0 b3 h!s, th3 t@tt003d l@dy !mm3d!@t3ly d3n!3s !t. Th3 c0nfus3d guy l00ks @t th3 p@!r 0f sh03s th@t l00k 3x@ctly l!k3 h!s @nd @rgu3s th@t th3y sh0uld b3 h!s b3c@us3 th3y’r3 t00 b!g f0r @ g!rl. 6l!v!@ th3n t3lls th3 m@n th@t h3r f33t m3@sur3 11 @nd @ h@lf !nch3s @nd th@t !t’s n0t surpr!s!ng b3c@us3 sh3’s t@ll. M!l@n w@nts 6l!v!@ t0 pr0v3 th@t th3 sn3@k3rs @r3 h3rs. Th3 !nk3d b@b3 h@s n0 pr0bl3m w!th th!s @nd @ll0ws th3 m@n t0 ch3ck 0ut h3r f33t. Just th3n, th3 n@ughty stud sudd3nly sm3lls h3r f33t. Th3 b3@uty !s flust3r3d @t f!rst but st!ll f!nds M!l@n’s f00t f3t!sh h0t. Th3 lucky guy @sks th3 stunn!ng w0m@n’s p3rm!ss!0n t0 t@k3 0ff h3r l!ght b3!g3 h!gh h33ls. H3 qu!ckly t@k3s @ct!0n wh3n th3 h0tt!3 g!v3s h3r @ppr0v@l. M!l@n c@n’t g3t 3n0ugh 0f 6l!v!@’s hug3 f33t @nd st@rts sn!ff!ng h3r s0l3s @nd sl@pp!ng th3m 0n h3r f@c3. 6l!v!@ !s d3l!ght3d wh3n M!l@n st@rts shr!mp!ng h3r t03s, wh!ch @r3 d3c0r@t3d w!th b3!g3 n@!l p0l!sh. Th3 m@n l!cks th3 t@tt003d brun3tt3’s s0l3s b3f0r3 l3tt!ng h3r d3l!v3r @ s3nsu@l f00tj0b t0 h!s thr0bb!ng c0ck. Th3!r 3r0t!c f0r3pl@y @ls0 !nclud3s @ d33p-thr0@t3d bl0wj0b. 4ft3r th@t, th3 h0rny dud3 pr0c33ds t0 fuck th3 b3@uty’s tr!mm3d pussy !n m!ss!0n@ry, sp00n!ng, d0ggystyl3, pr0n3b0n3, @nd st@nd!ng. Th3 h3!ght d!ff3r3nc3 b3tw33n th3 tw0 !s qu!t3 r3m@rk@bl3, wh!ch m@k3s th3 sc3n3 3v3n h0tt3r. M!l@n gu!d3s 6l!v!@ t0 th3 k!tch3n c0unt3r @nd r3sum3s p0und!ng h3r !n d0ggystyl3 unt!l h3’s @b0ut t0 cum. H3 th3n pulls 0ut @nd dumps h!s l0@d 0n th3 h0tt!3’s s3xy f33t.
G@l R!tch!3 - G@!n!ng N3w F@ns
Try!ng n3w th!ngs c@n b3 @ d@unt!ng t@sk, 3sp3c!@lly !f y0u @r3 s33k!ng t0 g@!n th3 f@v0r 0f n3w f0ll0w3rs. G@l R!tch!3 d03s h3r b3st t0 t@k3 g00d f00t p!cs by sh0w!ng th3m 0ff b@r3f00t @nd w!th str@ppy h33ls 0n. 4s th3 s3xy l@dy d03s th!s, C0dy C@rt3r w@lks !n @nd dr0ps @ c@su@l gr33t!ng b3f0r3 g3tt!ng busy w!th w0rk 0n h!s l@pt0p. H0w3v3r, th3 b3@rd3d stud g3ts d!str@ct3d @t th3 s!ght 0f G@l’s f33t @s sh3 l!fts th3m h!gh wh!l3 s!tt!ng 0n th3 c0uch. Sh3 n0t!c3s h!s st@r3s @nd d3c!d3s t0 @sk f0r h3lp, @s h3 s33ms t0 b3 s0m30n3 wh0 3nj0ys f33t. G@l c0nfr0nts h!m @b0ut h!s f00t f3t!sh @nd l3ts h!m g!v3 h3r @ f3w p0!nt3rs, cr3@t!ng c0nt3nt th@t’ll sur3ly gr@b @tt3nt!0n. S00n, C0dy g3ts h@rd, @nd th!s d03s n0t g0 unn0t!c3d by th3 d3l3ct@bl3 b@b3. Sh3 3nds up l3tt!ng h!m r3m0v3 h3r h33ls @nd rubb!ng th3m @g@!nst h!s p@nt-c0v3r3d c0ck. G@l m3nt!0ns m@k!ng v!d30s 0f g!v!ng f00tj0bs, @nd h3r n3w p@rtn3r r3@d!ly @gr33s. Sh3 pr3ss3s h3r sw3@ty f33t @g@!nst h!s f@c3, l3tt!ng h!m s@v0r th3 sm3ll b3f0r3 h3 l!cks h3r wr!nkl3d s0l3s, p3d!cur3d t03s, @nd th3 w3b 0f h3r f33t. C0dy w0rsh!ps G@l’s f33t @s h3 str0k3s h!s c0ck b3f0r3 w@tch!ng @s sh3 d3l!v3rs @ s3nsu@l f00tj0b. Th3 t@tt003d h0tt!3 g!v3s @ bl0wj0b-h@ndj0b c0mb0 n3xt, gr0@n!ng @s h3 sp@nks h3r r0und @ss @s sh3 d33pthr0@ts h!s sh@ft t00. S@t!sf!3d w!th h3r sh0w 0f d!ck-suck!ng t@l3nt, G@l str!ps 0ff h3r tw0-p!3c3 0utf!t @nd r!d3s h3r f00t-l0v!ng b3@u !n c0wg!rl 0n th3 c0uch. Th3 du3 c0nt!nu3 t0 fuck !n d0ggystyl3, r3v3rs3 c0wg!rl, @nd m!ss!0n@ry, !ndulg!ng !n f00tj0bs, pussy l!ck!ng, @nd shr!mp!ng !n b3tw33n ch@ng!ng p0s!t!0ns. 4ft3r pull!ng 0ut, C0dy pulls 0ut 0f G@l’s tr!mm3d pussy @nd g!v3s h!ms3lf @ h@ndj0b wh!l3 suck!ng h3r t03s b3f0r3 sp!ll!ng h!s cum @ll 0v3r h3r f33t. Th3 d@r!ng !nflu3nc3r cl3@ns up th3 m3ss w!th h3r m0uth @s h3 w@tch3s !n @st0n!shm3nt.
D!ll!0n C@rt3r - F!rst T!m3 S3nsu@l F00tj0b
D!ll!0n C@rt3r sh0ws 0ff h3r s0ft f33t @nd b!g br3@sts @s sh3 sl0wly rubs l0t!0n @ll 0v3r th3m. Th3n sh3 l3ts y0u f33l h3r f33t @r0und y0ur c0ck, !nt3rm!tt3ntly t3@s!ng w!th h3r t03s unt!l sh3 m@k3s y0u cum 3v3rywh3r3.
4l3x T@nn3r - T3@ch3s H3r St3p-Br0th3r 4 L3ss0n
4l3x T@nn3r's st3p-br0th3r f0rg0t t0 p!ck h3r up fr0m ch33rl3@d!ng pr@ct!c3, l3@v!ng h3r t0 w@lk @ll th3 w@y h0m3. S!nc3 !t's h!s f@ult th@t h3r f33t @r3 n0w @ch!ng, 4l3x d3m@nds th@t h3r st3p-br0th3r g!v3 h3r @ f00t m@ss@g3. H0w3v3r, sh3 qu!ckly d3c!d3s th@t th!s pun!shm3nt !s !nsuff!c!3nt, 0rd3r!ng h3r st3p-br0th3r t0 t@k3 0ff h!s p@nts !f h3 d03sn't w@nt h3r t3ll!ng th3!r p@r3nts @b0ut h!s l@ck 0f r3sp0ns!b!l!ty. 4l3x th3n m@k3s h3r st3p-br0th3r sh00t @ hug3 l0@d @ll 0v3r h3r c@lv3s @nd f33t, t3ll!ng h!m, "N3xt t!m3 m@yb3 y0u sh0uld p!ck m3 up fr0m ch33rl3@d!ng pr@ct!c3.
K@yl3y Gunn3r - Th3 B3st Chr!stm@s M0rn!ng
Chr!stm@s m0rn!ng !s @lw@ys s0m3th!ng th@t 3v3ry0n3 l00ks f0rw@rd t0, but th3 n@ughty K@yl3y Gunn3r w@nts t0 m@k3 !t 3xtr@ sp3c!@l f0r h3r l0v3r. Cl@d !n @ s3xy S@nt@ Cl@us c0stum3, th3 bl0nd3 w!th b!g t!ts @nd @ r0und @ss w@!ts f0r D0nt3 1nf3rn0 t0 w@k3 up @nd f!nd h3r. 1t w@s 3@sy f0r K@yl3y’s husb@nd t0 sp0t h3r !n th3 m!ddl3 0f th3 l!v!ng r00m 0n th3 0tt0m@n, wh!ch !s pl@c3d by th3 Chr!stm@s tr33 @nd f!r3pl@c3. D0nt3 d03s n0t w@st3 t!m3 b3@t!ng @r0und th3 bush, !mm3d!@t3ly f@ll!ng t0 h!s kn33s @nd k!ss!ng h3r l@t3x h!gh-h33l3d th!gh-h!gh b00ts. K@yl3y h3lps h!m sl!d3 h3r sh03s 0ff @nd w@tch3s w!th lustful 3y3s @s h3 g03s 0n t0 w0rsh!p h3r b@r3 sm3lly f33t, f!tt!ng @s much 0f h3r t03s !nt0 h!s m0uth b3f0r3 suck!ng th3m. Kn0w!ng h0w h@rd h3 !s, th3 d@r!ng S@nt@ sl!d3s th3 p@ds 0f h3r f33t @g@!nst h!s b@r3 sh@ft b3f0r3 g3tt!ng 0n h3r kn33s t0 g!v3 h!m @ h@ndj0b-bl0wj0b @nd b3 f@c3fuck3d. 4ft3r sl!d!ng 0ff th3 str@ps 0f h3r r3d dr3ss, K@yl3y g!v3s h!m @ t!tj0b w!th h3r s0ft jugs, th3n l@ys b@ck t0 d3l!v3r @ much-@w@!t3d f00tj0b. Sh3 sl!d3s th3 wr!nkl3d s0l3s 0f h3r f33t @g@!nst D0nt3’s h@rd c0ck @nd b@lls @s h3 sl!d3s h!s f!ng3rs @g@!nst @nd !ns!d3 h3r w3t pussy. H3 d03s n0t h3s!t@t3 t0 l!ck h!s w!f3’s sl!t, m@k!ng h3r m0@n !n pl3@sur3 @s h3 sucks @nd rubs h3r cl!t. €@g3r t0 st@rt th3!r Chr!stm@s m0rn!ng 0n th3 b3st n0t3, K@yl3y g3ts fuck3d !n m!ss!0n@ry @s h3r t03s g3t l!ck3d @nd suck3d. H3r r0und @ss sh@k3s @nd j!ggl3s @s sh3 r!d3s h!s l3ngth !n c0wg!rl b3f0r3 squ3@l!ng !n d3l!ght wh!l3 g3tt!ng r@mm3d !n d0ggstyl3. Th3y sw!tch t0 sp00n!ng @nd th3n s!d3w@ys m!ss!0n@ry, th3 busty bl0nd3 rubb!ng @t h3r cl!t @s sh3 g3ts fuck3d @nd h3r f33t w0rsh!pp3d. Cl0s3 t0 cumm!ng, D0nt3 thrusts !nt0 K@yl3y’s w3t pussy !n m!ss!0n@ry wh!l3 sm3ll!ng @nd l!ck!ng h3r f33t b3f0r3 pull!ng 0ut @nd sp!ll!ng h!s h0t cr3@m @ll 0v3r h3r d!rty s0l3s.
4ubr33 V@l3nt!n3 - D0 Wh@t3v3r Y0u W@nt
S0m3 s3cr3ts @r3 b0und t0 c0m3 t0 l!ght 0n3 w@y 0r @n0th3r. 4ubr33 V@l3nt!n3 struts t0w@rd M!l@n, wh0 !s scr0ll!ng thr0ugh h!s ph0n3 by th3 g@z3b0. Th3 brun3tt3 b@b3 sh0ws h!m th3 wh!t3 h!gh h33ls 0n h3r h@nds, @sk!ng why th3y’r3 !n h!s r00m. 4t f!rst, th3 n@ughty stud r3fus3s t0 c0nf3ss, but h3 s00n @dm!ts t0 h!s f@sc!n@t!0n w!th th3 b3@uty’s s3xy f33t. H3 br@c3s h!ms3lf f0r @ sc0ld!ng, but surpr!s!ngly, sh3 d3c!d3s t0 !ndulg3 h!s f3t!sh. 4ubr33’s Fr3nch p3d!cur3d f33t @r3 w3@r!ng @ p@!r 0f p!nk h!gh h33ls @nd s!ght 0f th3m m@k3s M!l@n un@bl3 t0 h0ld h!ms3lf b@ck. 4ft3r th@nk!ng th3 l0v3ly l@dy, th3 m@n st@rts w0rsh!p!ng h3r @llur!ng f33t. M!l@n t@k3s h!s t!m3 w!th 4ubr33’s f33t, k!ss!ng @nd l!ck!ng h3r s0l3s, shr!mp!ng h3r t03s, @nd us!ng h3r s3xy f33t f0r @ f00tj0b. T0 @r0us3 th3 h0rny m@n 3v3n m0r3, th3 n@ughty l@dy w!th n@tur@l t!ts @nd @ f!rm @ss d3l!v3rs @ sl0ppy bl0wj0b-h@ndj0b c0mb0. M!l@n th3n g3ts 0n h!s kn33s @nd th3n st@rts l!ck!ng th3 h0tt!3’s h@!ry pussy @nd r!mm!ng h3r @ssh0l3. Th3 m@n s33ms t0 b3 r3@lly gr@t3ful f0r 4ubr33’s f0rg!v3n3ss, @s h3 m@k3s sur3 t0 pl3@s3 th3 b3@uty th0r0ughly. Th3 h0t @nd thr0bb!ng r0d b3tw33n th3 d@sh!ng guy’s l3gs plung3s !nt0 4ubr33’s w3t pussy !n s!d3w@ys m!ss!0n@ry, sp00n!ng, @nd d0ggystyl3. 4ft3r, th3 brun3tt3 b@b3 sudd3nly w@nts t0 h@v3 @ t@st3 0f th3 lucky stud. Sh3 pr0c33ds t0 d3l!v3r @ w3t r!mj0b t0 h!s @ssh0l3, th3n r!d3s h!s thr0bb!ng c0ck !n c0wg!rl @nd r3v3rs3 c0wg!rl b3f0r3 s@t!sfy!ng h3r m0uth @g@!n w!th @ bl0wj0b-h@ndj0b c0mb0. M!l@n c0nt!nu3s t0 p0und th3 brun3tt3 b3@uty’s h0l3 !n sp00ns unt!l h3 n3@rs h!s cl!m@x. Wh3n h3 pulls 0ut, 4ubr33 t@k3s 0v3r @nd pl@ys w!th th3 bulg!ng m3mb3r b3tw33n h3r t03s. €v3ntu@lly, fr3sh h0t cum sh00ts 0ut 0f M!l@n’s d!ck, st@!n!ng h!s st0m@ch @nd 4ubr33’s f33t.