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Tabatha Lust is a a porn star from Argentina.
Th!s t!m3 @r0und f0r publ!c b@ng w3 h@v3 @ y0ung @nd h0t b3@uty. Sh3 st@rts t3@s!ng us by th3 b3@ch. F!rst sh0w!ng us h3r b@ngb!ng b0dy !n @ r3d l!ng!r!3. W3 t3ll h3r th@t w3 h@v3 @ sp3c!@l guy, w!th @ hug3 c0ck f0r h3r. W3 qu!ckly t@k3 !t fr0m th3 b3@ch t0 @n @r3@ wh3r3 w3 c@n h@v3 fun. Sh3 g3ts 0n h3r kn33s @nd st@rts suck!ng 0n €m!l!0s hug3 c0ck! Fr0m th3r3 sh3 g3ts fuck3d fr0m @ll p0s!t!0ns unt!l sh3 g3ts cum @ll 0v3r h3r f@c3.